Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hello, it has been awhile since my last post. Well, that's because I'm blogging from my phone. I rarely use the computer because I don't have a modem, my mother uses her modem for her work so I can't use it all the time :| it's okay though, because now I have to focus on getting the best score I can get for the final exam. And I don't think I can resist the temptation of blogging and tweeting and youtube and all the things I used to do for 6 hours non-stop. Oh, how I missed those days.....
Moving on, in case you don't know, I'm the kind of person that easily get bored and changes mind very fast, and I can be really competitive. So I've changed my mind about what I'm gonna do when I grow up lots of time. I've changed from doctor-event organizer-fashion designer-interior designer-model(!)-movie director-costume designer-musician. Whew, that's a lot. And now I'm back!
Why doctor, again? Because first, I want to help people. Second, it's a very promising job. Third, I want it. I still want to be a musician, that's going to be my second job. So I'll be doctor/musician! I haven't decided what doctor I want to be. A surgeon maybe. But I'm too clumsy and I'll research more about doctors.
You should follow your heart, that's what they say. It's true, but you should consider before you follow it. Because sometimes what we want is not always match to what we really need. And consider this too before you act, will you regret it?
Oh, I found some of John Lennon's quotes. I know, I put an app in my blog that says Mr. Lennon's quotes, but I've never read these before.
"I'm not going to change the way I look or the way I feel to conform to anything. I've always been a freak. So I've been a freak all my life and I have to live with that, you know. I'm one of those people." -John Lennon
"You have to be a bastard to make it, and that's a fact. And the Beatles are the biggest bastards on earth." -John Lennon
Well, I wouldn't want to date a bastard. But I guess I'd want to date one of the Beatles, if I'm like, 50 years older.
Well that's a lot of blahs. I'm off to bed, need lots of sleep.
Bye! ~Ayesha

Monday, October 4, 2010

I Gotta Be Honest

I never felt this way before.
So...yeah, we got together. October 1st, 2010. That was legend-wait for it-dary, people! Not going to tell you the details, though :p
The story of how we got together is kind of long. Very long. And I know that the story has just begun.
I'm very glad to know that I have him, to know that I have someone to share my secrets, a shoulder to cry on, someone that can go crazy and do stupid things with me.
It's kind of weird how we fit each other. We have our differences, but our similarities cover it.
And for you, babe, I'm sorry I'm not always there for you, not always as you expected.
Thanks for being a part of my life, ilysm!

Okay I don't know if the picture shows or not, because I posted this using the school's computer and the connection is soooo f-ing crappy, so if it doesn't, I'll post it soon ;p

Monday, September 27, 2010

Random Things

Heya! Haven't posted random posts in awhile.
It's rainy everyday now, I kinda like it. Makes me feel.....peaceful. Or maybe I'm just bored of sunny hot day. You know, no matter how much you like something, eventually you'll get tired or bored of it. Same for people, maybe you'll get tired of a person because everybody has at least a flaw. But if you love them, and care about them, you'll accept their flaws and of course they will accept yours.
I heard this phrase so many times "you know, when I say 'I'm okay' I want someone to tell me 'no, I know you're not' and hold me" I don't think that's right. How do people suppose to know exactly how you feel if you don't tell them? Not everyone is a mind-reader. I think you should just tell them, "no, I'm not okay and I could really use a warm hug now." That's easier for everyone.
Oh god, have you ever felt so good because a person that made rumors about you is proven wrong and then every time you see their face you just wanna shout "HA! Suck it loser! YOU suck!" to their face but you can't because it's immature? That's exactly what I feel, everyday.
Sometimes I want my life to be like one of Taylor Swift's songs, the happy ones. But my life now is better haha!


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Me. You. Us.

I like it spicy, you like it sweet
I prefer quiet, you need louder
I want vanilla, you want chocolate

But we both love bananas
And pancakes, dogs, and Dashboard
Rap is never better than rock, you're not a jock I'm not either.

I like old music, you like it new
I want beaches, you want mountains
I like Ted, you like Barney

But we both love Robin
And Phineas, Ferb, honey stars and frosty
We both don't wanna miss a thing
Even as the world outside is spinning

We're not the same, I guess we just fit each other
Perfectly imperfect

I love to laugh, you love to joke
I sing and you play the music
Love to be lazy at weekends
We'll sing like Puck and Quinn
Together, forever

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Naya Rivera: Beautifully Talented

Hey there, have you heard about Naya Rivera? Yeah you probably know her from Glee, she's the cheerleader, Santana Lopez.
Naya Rivera was born in January 12, 1987. So she's 23 years old now.
Naya Rivera as Santana Lopez.
She is of Puerto Rican, German, and African American ancestry. She can sing, act, and dance. She sings The Boy is Mine on Glee with Amber Riley, and also Bad Romance, Like A Virgin, and many more. 

This is her with Mark Salling, who plays the role Noah 'Puck' Puckerman in Glee.

In 2010 she made the Maxim Hot 100 list, coming in at number 61. I wanted to include her photo for maxim, but it's too inappropriate :p
"My passion for music is one of my greatest loves." - Naya Rivera

Monday, August 9, 2010


Sabtu, 7 Agustus. Sore menjelang malem.
Jadi gue sms Tifa, Icha, Tasya, Modizh, dll deh, ngajak ke rumah gue buat makanmakan. Pada gak bisa semua. Icha itu lebih mencurigakan soalnya dia bilang sampe 3 kali haha. Terus Abror juga gak bisa. Yah gue pikir, 'yaudah yang paling nggak umur gue 14' hahaha sempat terlintas di pikiran (*apasih) 'jangan-jangan pada mau ngasih surprise. Tapi masa iya? GR lu Yesh.' begitulah yang ada di kepala haha.

Minggu, 8 Agustus. Dini hari, tengah malem deh.
Gue udah tidur. Ngantuk banget. Terus tiba-tiba ada yang geter-geter.
Gempa? Ga mungkin.
Gue tidur lagi.
Ada lagu Jessie's Girl.
Masih setengah mimpi, gue kira ada Finn beneran. Tambah ga mungkin.
Akhirnya gue bangun, ternyata handphone bunyi. Itu yang daritadi bunyibunyi sama getergeter. Gue angkat, ouuu ternyata Abror, ngucapin selamet. Baikbgt yak haha. Masih belom sadar sepenuhnya, gua cuma ngomong 'makasih ya' berkali-kali kayak orang idiot kumur-kumur terus gue tidur lage.

Pagi - Siang
Gue baru nyampe rumah dari rumah Ayah, langsung kasih makan Romeo terus gue nonton tv. Tiba-tiba gue pengen mandi. Tumben hahaha. Terus handphone gua bunyi lagi, Abror lagi. Kira-kira kayak gini percakapannya,
Gue : halo?
Abror : udah di rumah?
Gue : ha? udah
Abror : keluar deh
Nah kocaknya di depan rumah gua itu ada tukang sapu tereak-tereak, jadi pas di telfon kedengeran juga suaranya. Gue tau deh Abror ada di depan rumah. Yang gue ga tau dia bawa kue ulangtahun pake lilin yang banyak haha. Gue suruh masuk deh. Pas duduk, gue baru sadar satu hal kecil namun teramat sangat penting : gue belom mandi kale! Haha jadi dengan jujur gua bilang gua belom mandi haha. Terus abis tiup lilin gua mandi deh. Pas udah selesai, gue keluar deh. Tau gak di sofa ada apa? Lotso. Shock. Dengan begonya gue bilang 'itu apa?' berkali-kali. Idiot. Hahaha itu gue seneng banget abisnya gue emang kepengen banget punya Lotso haha!
Ohya, Modizh sms gua bilang gini 'yes, icha udah dateng?' Lah emang Icha mau dateng? Fufufu, ketahuan ya.
Sekitar setengah jam-an kemudian Icha dateng. Ha. Gak kaget lah gua haha. Terus Icha ngasih kado kalung lucu bangeeet, kotaknya juga lucu banget! Abis itu kita ngobrol-ngobrol deh, abis makanannya masih dimasak. Kita jadi kelaperan sampe gigit-gigit kursi *gaklah
Akhirnya makanannya jadi. Kita makan udah kayak ga makan seminggu (Kita? Gue doang kale).
Abis itu gue pengen tiup lilin lagi biar foto-foto. Eh karena kelamaan terjadi kebakaran kecil haha. Kuenya kena lilin. Tetep aja kita makan hahaha.
Icha pulang, terus Caca sama Madel dateng. Ngobrol-ngobrol lagi haha. Terus main kembang api (kata abangabangnya sih itu kembang api. Tapi kayaknya petasan dewh haha)
Sorenya Abror pulang. Gue, Caca, sama Madel, rambutnya jadi kuncir dua terus ngajak jalan Romeo. Ga jelas yak. Abis itu mereka pulang tapi malemnya balik lagi haha baru pulang jam 9. Gue langsung tidur, capek haha.
Makasih ya semuanya, ulang tahun gue yang ke 14 seruu banget.
Especially Bunda, Ayah, Icha, Abror, Madel, Caca, Tasya, Tifa, Modizh, & Dinar. Tysm♥

Lots of love,


Ini lowwwwwh Lotsonya! lucukanlucukan?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


     Teenagers nowadays are very hi-tech (maksudnya udah pada pinter internetan. gak juga deng). Sejujurnya gue lagi males pake Bahasa Inggris makanya ini pake Bahasa Indonesia jadi-jadian. Yak, kembali pada topik (halah soksok pinter!), sekarang ini jaman udah canggih. Semua orang punya handphone, dari anak SD sampe kakek-nenek. Dari abang sate sampe pejabat, pasti punya.
     Selain handphone, ada juga yang sekarang banyak banget yang punya, yaaaaitu social networking dan micro blog (facebook sama twitter deh). Nah yang dua ini nih, sering banget disalahgunain. Apalagi twitter, yegak? haha hampir semua orang punya twitter, tapi biasanya sih yang salahgunain tuh anak-anak remaja. Ya seumuran gue juga deh haha. Kayak misalnya, si A follow si B, tapi si B ga follow back si A, nah si A ga seneng deh, terus ngetweet "eh @bbbbb kok ga folback gue sih? folback dong" Nah, lebih ga enaknya lagi kalo ternyata si A itu tweetnya bisa 20 dalam 5 menit yang isinya semua yang lagi dia lakuin, dan si B males banget kalo timelinenya penuh. Ribet deh, apalagi kalo si B udah terlanjur follow terus karena keganggu jadi unfollow.
    Nah, kalo menurut gue, yang diakuin si B itu sih ga salah. Karena twitter itu adalah micro-blog, bukan kayak facebook. Di twitter itu kita pake untuk menyebarkan berita, atau apapun deh yang bisa disebar (lho) haha ya maksudnya untuk mempermudah menyebarluaskan suatu berita. Jadi ya kita cuma follow yang kita mau tau berita-beritanya aja, kayak misalnya gue follow Justin Bieber supaya bisa tau kapan konsernya atau meet&greet (tapi kayaknya belom ada yang di Indonesia deh haha). Beda lagi kalo di facebook, kalo si B remove si A dari friend list tanpa alesan baru deh mungkin si A boleh protes hahaha.
    Satu lagi nih yang biasanya ga bener, yaaaaitu curhat masalah pe-ri-ba-di di status&notes facebook ataupun twitter. Gak asik banget kan, kalo misalnya semua orang yang follow atau ada di friend list tau masalah-masalah pribadi kita? Terus, biasanya ada yang sampe detail bangeeeet ceritanya, wah kalo diliat sodara juga ga enak kan ya? Dari situ orang-orang juga bakal tau masalah-masalah itu, dan bisa nyebar kemana-mana. Ribet deh ya hahaha. Ya jadi boleh-boleh aja curhat, tapi mendingan pake Private Message atau Direct Message.
   Itu aja deh, semoga bermanfaat dan membantu (emangnya jamu?) hahaha. Oh iya cerita contoh di atas hanya fiktif belaka jadi jangan marah yaaaaa, ini bukannya mau menyindir lowh!

That's all for now, buhbye!


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hello, long time no see! I am now, officially, a 9th grader. And in about 2 months, I'll be a teenager. No, not an (almost) emotionally unstable preteen anymore.
The past is gone, and I've moved on. Don't look back, no regrets. And yes, what goes around, comes around!
He's my new obsession ---->
Jesse St. James
I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me!
(No, I'm not serious.)
No, he's not my obsession. But I do like him, in a very normal and inappropriate way. 
Anyway, the actor's name is Jonathan Groff. I've mentioned him before. Yes, he's gay. He's an actor, and also a singer. How talented *jealous :p
To make a long story short, I love my life. And I'm not gonna brag about it.
Oh, I have to go now. It's almost 2 am! I'll post as soon as I can.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hello, hello!

Hello, sorry haven't posted in a while. I can't access the internet.
You know, sometimes we're on top, sometimes we're not. When we are, enjoy it. When we're not, well, just be wise and patient. We'll get through it.

Oh I really like this song, Jessie's Girl. Here's the lyric!

Jessie's Girl

Jessie is a friend
Yeah I know he's been
a good friend of mine
But lately something's changed
that ain't hard to define
Jessie's got himself a girl
and I want to make her mine

And she's watching him with those eyes
And she's lovin' him with that body
I just know it
Yeah and he's holding her
in his arms late
late at night

You know I wish that
I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find
a woman like that?

I play along with the charade
There doesn't seem to be
a reason to change
You know I feel so dirty
when they start talking cute
I wanna tell her that I love her
but the point is probably moot

'Cause she's watching him with those eyes
And she's lovin' him with that body
I just know it
And he's holding her
in his arms late late at night

You know I wish that
I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
Where can I find a woman
where can I find a woman like that?

And I'm lookin' in the
mirror all the time
wondering what she don't see in me
I've been funny
I've been cool with the lines
Ain't that the way
love supposed to be?

Tell me, where can I
find a woman like that?

You know I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I want (I want) Jessie's girl
(where can I find a woman like that?)
like Jessie's girl
I wish that I had Jessie's girl
I want (I want) Jessie's girl

The story sounds familiar, doesn't it? ;)
I'm so excited, for some reason. The final exam is coming soon, wish me luck! And I wanna say I'm sorry for the hurtful things I've said, sorry :)
Okay, that's all for now. I want to watch Glee, bye bye!


Note: I just found out that Jonathan Groff is gay. WHY GOD? WHYYYY????

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Whatever Major Douche Lords

What did you say? YES YOU ARE. Yes, yes you are!You are what you say you are.
Just to be clear, this is the only blog I use.
Today was ridiculously marvelous. I had a great time this afternoon. You don't need me to tell you why, if you know me. Posers are annoying, as usual. They just find another annoying thing, every day. That is how creative posers are. Sorry, no offense. I'm just being honest.
And now, today, June 2nd, 10.50 pm, I am proud to say that I'm original! I believe in myself, and words won't bring me down! So....Who's with me?
Oh yeah, I have bad reputation. Just like the Glee episode. And just like Sue Sylvester, I don't care what they say. They don't know the truth, and even if I tell them the truth they wouldn't believe me.
These are lyrics that I can't get out of my head.
'Everyday is so wonderful, suddenly it's hard to breath. Now and then, I get insecure from all the pain, I'm so ashamed.'
'Why do you like to hurt so much? That's what you get when let your heart wins.'
'When you see my face, hope it gives you hell!'
'And I wonder if I ever crossed your mind. For me it happens all the times.'
Blah. Anything too much is not good.
Oh, I already know what I want for my birthday! I want a pair of earphones (The big ones. Because the small one, like mine now is kinda hurting my ears.) Want to know what I want more than earphones? I want my family, friends, everyone that I love is healthy and they're all with me on my birthday. Especially....psst!
Okay, it's late now, I have to go to sleep! Bye gleeks!


School Stereotype

This is a post I made 5 months ago, I posted it on my tumblr. Click here to see my tumblr

1. Preps

The rich kids. The Preps often seen wearing an expensive clothes, carrying iPhones or custom Blackberries. They are popular, pretty, and kind of cocky sometimes. But they’re nice to certain people. I think they don’t really care about school, maybe they just go to school for the social.

2. Indie

Indie people love art. They don’t like the crappy, mainstream music. They have their own style, they don’t follow trends. They don’t care what people say, and they’re clever. Indies don’t hate their life, like emos. They usually like to go to music concerts or movie festival or art museum. I think they’re the coolest.

3. Wannabes

Posers. Followers. Fakers. Wannabes copy or imitate all or most of the aspects dealing with their idol (this can be a celebrity or a popular person in school). They may wish to have certain clothing, skills, vocabulary, etc., of their idols instead of their own. I think they just don’t have the confidence to be themselves.

4. Jocks and Athletes

Jocks and athletes are different, but they both love sports. But my school don’t have a lot of jocks.

Signs of a jock: Rude, arrogant, stupid, beats up people, dates only cheerleaders and hangs around other jocks

Signs of a true athlete: Love their sport, try to stay down-to-earth (a little arrogance is expected), hang out with whoever they want, date whoever they want, might beat people up but that doesn’t mean it was uncalled for.

5. Alay

Mix emo with scene, then you get alay. They dress like emos (sometimes even call themselves emos), wear makeups like emos. and they have scene’s haircut, piercings, and they username on facebook/myspace would be like Xxxcute9urlzxxX or something like that. Sometimes they even dress like scene too, but worst. They listen to crappy alay music (which suprisingly very popular). The boys like to beat up people, so the girls would say they’re brave. The girls act slutty (forgive my words) around boys. These alay, they usually don’t even know that they really are an alay. and they’re not so bright, almost stupid actually. No offense.

6. Geeks, Nerds, and Dorks

There’s a difference between geeks, nerds, dorks. to explain it, I got this from UrbanDictionary.c

……………. Technical …… Social
Title ………… Skills ……… Skills
————— ———————— ——————
Normie ……… No …………. Yes
Geek ……….. Yes …………. Yes
Nerd ………… Yes …………. No
Dork ………… No ………….. No

Normie: A normal person. Blah.

Geek: An outwardly normal person who has taken the time to learn technical skills. Geeks have as normal a social life as anyone, and usually the only way to tell if someone is a geek is if they inform you of their skills.

Nerd: A socially awkward person who has learned technical skills due to the spare time they enjoy from being generally neglected. Their technical knowledge then leads normies to neglect them even further, leading to more development of their technical skills, more neglection, etc. This vicious cycle drives them even more into social oblivion.

Dork: A person who, although also socially awkward, doesn’t have the intelligence to fill the void with technical pursuits, like a nerd, and is forced to do mindless activities. Almost always alone. Usually with an XBox. Like playing Halo. All day. Every day. Not even understanding how the Xbox is making the pretty pictures on the screen. Very sad.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Laugh Out (Too) Loud

Have you seen Quinn Fabray's audition on glee? Some dudes did a cover of it, it's hilarious!

Somebody posted a comment like this: "Oh my god, do that again with your shirts off!"

Thursday, May 27, 2010


1. Do you like chinese food? Maybe.

2. How big is your bed? Big enough.

3. Is your room clean? To be honest, no, not really.

4. Laptop or Desktop computer? Laptop.

5. Favorite comedian? Jack Black? I can't decide.

6. Do you smoke? No, it's useless.

7. Does anyone like you? I don't know, I'll ask someone later.

8. Whats the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? What? What is that?

10. Sleep with or without clothes on? With-__-

11. Who sleeps with you every night? My little brother and my mother.

12. Do long distance relationships work? Don't ask me, I'm optimistic ;p

13. How many times have you been pulled over by the police? I can't drive, yet.

14. Pancakes or French Toast? Pancakes!!!!!

15. Do you like coffee? Not really, I prefer tea.

16. How do you like your eggs? Scrambled :3

17. Do you believe in astrology? Sometimes.

18. Last person you talked to on the phone? I forgot.

19. Last person on your missed call list? Unknown number.

20. What was the last text message you received? "okay"

21. McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King :3

22. Number of pillows? One?

23. Last thing you ate? Roast chicken.

24. Last thing you bought? Fruit tea or something like that

25. What are you hearing right now? Tom & Jerry background music

26. Pick a lyric? "To die by your side is such a heavenly way to die."

27. What kind of jelly do you like on your PB & J sandwich? Grape, or strawberry

28. Can you play pool? Yes, on wii ;D

29. Do you know how to swim? Yeaah

30. Favorite ice cream? Vanilla!

31. Do you like maps? What?

32. Tell me a random fact: Sometimes I walk in circle while changing my clothes

33. Ever had a hard on at work? no...

34. Ever attend a theme party? nope

35. Ever do a keg stand? what's that?

36. Craziest place you've slept after a night of drinking? never happened

37. What is your favorite season? Summer!

38. What is the first music video you ever saw? I think it was 'Torn' by Natalie Imbruglia

39. Pick a movie quote: "We could be dead, or even worst, expelled."

40. Favorite quote: "Life is simple. It's just not easy."

41. What is your favorite hangout? as long as I'm with my friends

42. Best friend's name? I have more than one best friend.

43. How long have you known them? Long enough.

44. Last time you laughed at something stupid? Today I laughed at something stupid.

45. What time did you wake up this morning? 5.30 and and off to school at 6.15

46. Wake up next to anyone? Yes, my little brother

47. Best thing about winter? the smell of the air

48. Name a couple of favorite colors: blue, black, red

49. How old are you? 13, almost 14

50. What month is your birthday in? August

51. Do you think pirates are cool or overrated? super cool, kinda gross

52. What are you doing this weekend? Would it be appropriate to call  it a farewell party? or graduation party? 

53. What do you think about this questions? I feel like a star :p no, I'm joking

Every Rose Has Its Thorn?

OH MY GOD, LEE DEWYZE WON AMERICAN IDOL!! (Sorry, this is way too dramatic)
Oh I found this website -----> click this if you're a gleek just like me!
Today was fun. I'm not going to tell why. I wish I had Christina Aguilera's voice. Maybe with more practice and efforts.
Hey, Jesse St. James is cool! I think he's hiding something, but he's really cool when he sang Hello with Rachel!
See, and he's kinda... you know... oh, never mind.
Oh yeah, is it true that Rihanna died? Shocking.
I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today
'Beautiful', Christina Aguilera's song. Love it!
It's okay to feel good about yourself, but please keep your feet on the ground. It's hard being a teenager, sometimes I can't control my emotion--wait. I think the grammar is wrong. Oh, screw it.--but I try so hard not to get carried away. Oh I wish I was born on the 70s or 60s, that'd be great. But then I wouldn't have the coolest parents, the annoying brother, and I wouldn't meet him. Him, the best part of my day. Psst, it wouldn't be a secret if I tell ya!
Bottom line, I'm happy. I wouldn't want to change a thing.

See ya later,


Monday, May 24, 2010

As Simple As a Smile

Hello. Was today a fairytale? Not really, more like a realistically (wait, is that a word?) perfect Monday! Aaaaarrrrrggghhhh I got a fish bone stuck in my throat, it's annoying! But the rest of my day was good. My school is different, not every school had Justin Bieber's songs playing loud during the free period. And my hair is almost back from extremely weird to normal. I don't really care, but at least now they can stop accusing me for copying a hairstyle that doesn't fit me.
I made bracelets yesterday, I brought to school today. My friends like it, so I'm going to make more for them! But I don't think I can finish them all now. I have homeworks too, and final exams are coming. No good grades, no laptop. No laptop, no blogging.
I've stopped tweeting. Well, I still tweet once in a while, but not every minute. People don't have to know what I'm thinking every minute, I don't think they care anyway.
Oh yeah, for everyone that text me last week and didn't got a reply from me, I'm so sorry. Well, you can text me now. I promise I'll reply.
Hey, I have my first follower, thanks for following! (Oh I know, I'm lame).
Tomorrow is the 25th! Gitchi gitchi goo!
Gotta go now! It's school night, can't be late tomorrow. Bye folks!


Friday, May 21, 2010

Old photos!

I found old photos of me & my parents!

This is when I was about 4 years old! I just bought two rabbits, and that was in Bogor.

And this one, I forgot when. That's my father!

And this is when I was 6, I think. It's kinda weird.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hello and Good Night

Hey y'all!
Oh I just saw Justin Bieber on American Idol, noticed anything different? Yeah, his voice has changed. I was...hysterical when I watched it. Casey's out! Well, better him than Lee. LEE DEWYZE IS THE NEXT AMERICAN IDOL!!!!
Okay, that was too much.
Crystal and Casey are good, great! But I just like Lee more ;)
Umm.. I made a song! It's too simple. I haven't finished it yet.
Here's the third verse:
The song I can't stop singing
Even if everyone is whispering
Hey, I'm curious
Who's responsible for this?
It's actually a really fun thing to do!
And I want to apologize to everybody, I know I made a lot of mistakes. That's what humans do. That's what we do.  We made mistakes, we learn from it, and try not to make another one.
Oh, I'm tired. Need to go to get some sleep. Tomorrow's Friday! Please please be a good day.
2 things I wanna say, 1.) I think, and I'm sure, I sat with the right person on the bus. 2.) I have the best parents in the world (and I don't have the guts to tell them this, how lame)


Monday, May 17, 2010

Today Was A Comic Strip

Howdy! How are ya? I'm good!
Today was good, my grades are good, my teachers were nice, all good! Well, not so good for those green-eyed monsters, but who cares?
The Beatles is my new favorite band. I know, you must be wandering where have I been all this time. But it's never too late, right? Well, my favorite song from them is And I Love Her. It's sweet, any girl would melt if her loved one would sing it to her. It's so simple, yet romantic.
My gym teacher said my teeth are pretty, yeah it's kinda weird but I'm thankful I don't have to wear braces or retainers. I'd rather go on a date with Freddy Krueger than wear braces (NO, I'm joking. I wouldn't want to meet Freddy Krueger ever!!!).
I want to write a longer post but it's late and tomorrow's Tuesday (oops, Dullday) and I'm still a student after all. I'd write a longer post tomorrow, if there's no homework ;(
Some good songs:

  • Vanilla Twilight - Owl City
  • Need You Now - Lady Antebellum
  • Our Last Summer - ABBA
  • The Scientist - Coldplay
For some reasons, I really like old songs. Oh maybe I'm starting to remember my past life, lol!
Okay, gotta go! Hoping tomorrow will be better than today.

Bigger isn't always better. And slimmer isn't always better either!
Bye, fellow geeks and nerds,


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday? More like Rainday

Good evening folks, I should be sleeping now. Tomorrow's Monday (what? More like Hellday!). I hate school. Well, I like to learn new stuff and hang out with my friends. I hate the evil teachers and the stupid cliques.
I did nothing today. Hey, guess what? I made the glee picture, lol it's kinda cool!

I'm itching to do something new. I want to learn how to dance. My mother is a good dancer. But I look awkward when I dance. The last time I danced...never mind, it was embarrassing. My friend said I should be a cheerleader. I don't why she said that. She is a cheerleader, though.
Have you seen Usher's new video, OMG? Oh, who am I kidding, of course you have. I usually don't like this kind of music (with an exception for Justin Bieber lol), but OMG stuck in my head :D
Oh, maybe I should try to make a fashion blog, or learn about photography. Too mainstream? Maybe something different like finger painting seems fun to try.
I miss the times when I was a 9-year-old. That summer was so fun.
Psst! Don' tell anyone, I like The Jonas Brothers as much as I like She & Him. Yes, I like to watch Disney Channel. I'm still a 9-year-old girl on the inside, on the outside....not so much.
The social networking sites, I think we'd be better off without it. Oh it's fun alright. But it's not good if you check and update it every minute, kinda annoying anyway.
I don't mind if people are copying me. I don't even know for sure they're copying me. And note this, I don't like to copy somebody's style just because he/she is cool. You should be who you are, no matter what people say.
Oh, great. It's almost 10 o'clock. Gotta go, definitely don't wanna be late tomorrow!

Enjoy your life, geeks!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

From: Me

Hello, so sorry I haven't posted in a very long time :D
My life is so different now. Oh god, my grade was falling. Hopefully it's getting better now. I got A+ on social studies last week (yippeee!). And a bunch of weirdos hate me! It's okay, I don't care anyway.
I love my family, I love my friends, I love my...unintended. I love myself!
I'm learning to play guitar, any tips? lol
That's all now. Need to go to the shower :p see ya later fellow geeks!
