Thursday, March 3, 2011

Never Been This Speechless

Oh my god I can't believe what I just read. I can't believe you wrote that just because I wrote that. Completely speechless. That was the meanest thing someone has written about me.
People make mistakes. That's just what they do. But I'm not going to regret, because that's just the way life is. I don't want to live in the past, what's done is done. And along the  wayI've met some people, and I like some of them, a lot. But people changes too, someone who were so nice can be very mean, someone who were irritating can be fun. And another thing, people forgive. But they don't always forget.
Anyway if there's anyone who's offended by the last post then I'm sorry, and I'm sorry to the people that I didn't wrote on the list. Not that I don't remember of you guys, I just wrote the names of people that I thought would be funny to write. But it was just for fun, nothing serious.
The funny thing is, people can talk about me behind me, and they can hate me with all of their cold little hearts, but I don't really care. What I really care is people that I love, and I want to make them happy. And I also want to thank them for always been there by my side, I love you guys so much.
Okay wish me luck for all of the final exams that are coming soon! I can't wait for high school. Hopefully I'll get to a good public one, not going to surrender before the war hahaha. Okay then, peace out!

Note: Okay thanks to zombie movies and plants v. zombies and other zombie things, I had a nightmare about football player zombies-___- brrrrrrains!

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